The ACE Learner Pathways tool help ACE providers and staff involved in supporting learners, to understand how they are performing, identify where improvement can be made and gives suggestions to address these areas. The tool uses a self-assessment approach and can be adapted to fit the size of the organisation.
“Learner pathways put the learner at the centre”
About the ACE Learner Pathways tool
The Adult and Community Education (ACE) Learner Pathways (LP) tool is for providers of community learning and their staff involved in supporting learners. The tool describes how a capable learning organisation supports learners in the enrolment and programme placement stages, and development of their learning plans. The ACE Learner Pathways tool is underpinned by the values of rangatiratanga, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, and the guiding principle of ako.
The ACE Learner Pathways tool can be used by ACE providers to
- Review the organisation’s learner pathway processes
- Demonstrate the quality of what you do
- Think about ways to improve
How to become an ACE Quality approved provider
The ACE Learner Pathways Quality Mark is formal recognition issued to approved ACE providers. It is a public statement that your organisation has met the criteria of a quality approved learning organisation.
- Any ACE provider can register interest to participate
- Attend the Regional Workshop and receive tailored support in the process
- Undertake an organisation self-assessment
- Provide information to show how well your organisation is performing and identify areas for improvement
- Develop an improvement plan

Download the ACE Learner Pathways tool here
Register to attend a Regional Workshop here
Contact us for more information or to register interest -