Information Literacy

UNESCO Media Information and Literacy Week – and courses

24 to 31 October 2019 is UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week. The theme - Media and Information Literate Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered.

UNESCO says that education for all must include media information and literacy for everyone. Informal education is important – but classes are important too.

Research on social media and adult education

social media and adult education

Using social media for educational purposes still remains a resource available to every adult educator. In January 2013, a study was published titled Social media in adult education. This study is still relevant even though some social media platforms have changed since then.

Survey on Privacy in Media and Information Literacy with Youth Perspectives

Survey on Privacy in Media and Information Literacy with Youth Perspectives

Media and information literacy (MIL) is, amongst many things, a defense of one’s privacy. By this we mean that since MIL seeks to promote a deeper understanding of the ways in which media and technology enable or limit a person’s ability to live with freedom and personal agency – MIL has a direct bearing on privacy awareness and related actions among ordinary people, or the lack thereof.