ACE Conference 2015 - Russell Bishop.pdf

ACE Conference 2015 - Russell Bishop.pdf

Russell Bishop is foundation Professor for Máori Education in the School of Education at the University of Waikato. He is also an experienced secondary school teacher. 
Prior to his role at the University of Waikato, he was a senior lecturer in Máori Education in the Education Department at the University of Otago and Interim Director for Otago University's Teacher Education programme. 

His research experience in the area of collaborative storying as Kaupapa Máori, has given rise to national and international publishing including the books Collaborative Research Stories: Whakawhanaungatanga, Culture Counts: Changing Power Relationships in Classrooms, Pathologising Practices,Culture Speaks and in 2010 Scaling Up Education Reform. 
This research has also informed the highly successful professional development programme Te Kotahitanga.