Each year since 2013, the very best of the Adult and Community Education (ACE) sector are recognised for their contribution to their community. On 15 June eight ACE Aotearoa Annual awards were presented.
Educator of the year Tangata Whenua: Gloria Hauiti
Gloria Hauiti (Tūhoe and Ngāti Purou) has been paramount in a collaborative partnership with Tararua REAP and Rangitane o Tamaki nui a Rua. This collaboration has enabled regular and professional provision of programmes for Iwi and the community.
With her deep knowledge of traditional Māori values and authenticity, Gloria brings a remarkable ability to deliver the right programme, in the best way to the tōtika / appropriate people. Gloria has been able to engage with many who have never participated in any form of adult or community education. She observes what is needed and creates solutions through her community programmes.
Gloria’s programmes support a deeper connection to the learner’s whakapapa, whenua, whānau and whare. Gloria does this organically - it is who she is and what she believes is the best way she can support people; it comes from her own life and social work experiences. Woven into each programme, is the knowledge that we are all connected. Gloria is a force to behold and a true educator.
Educator of the year Tangata Tiriti: Allan Daun
Allan is a lifelong educator with over 50 years teaching experience. He has been a primary and secondary teacher, and began his journey with Far North REAP seven years ago.
Allan was initially employed to support school students completing NCEA Level 1 & 2 English and Maths. He provided tutoring sessions after school on a daily basis in the REAP building and continues this mahi to this day supporting tamariki on their NCEA journeys.
During the past three years Allan has supported trade apprentices needing help to complete their bookwork and connect theory with practical on the job learning.
In 2018 when there was a Police recruitment drive in Kaitaia Allan provided Literacy and numeracy support sessions for individuals and groups. This support has been extended to those wanting to enter other services like the Royal NZ Navy and NZ Army.
Allan is gentle but firm in his approach. He is able to build rapport and trusting relationships which are absolutely pivotal to the creation of safe learning spaces for learners. These qualities together with Allan’s extensive knowledge and life experience make him a true taonga in Far North communities.
Community Based Programme of the year Tangata Whenua: P Pull programme (Christine Remuera, National Coordinator))
The New Zealand ‘P’ Pull movement was established four years ago by Wesley Community Action when the organisation realised there was a gap in services for people impacted by methamphetamine.
‘P’ Pull sessions are called ‘walk-ins’ and are run by volunteers with lived experience of methamphetamine. Anyone affected can talk about what they are going through without judgement.
Training is provided for facilitators by Auckland -based Meth Education and Solution Services and users and whānau are provided with tools using the Te Whare Tapu Wha framework which works on spiritual, physical, mental and whānau wellbeing.
Services are now available in 14 locations across Aotearoa. The vision is to empower individuals, whānau and communities to better understand and respond to issues associated with methamphetamine use.
Community Programme of the year Tangata Tiriti: Tararua REAP Parent Support Programme
Haley Butcher, who was a kindergarten teacher for many years, came to Tararua REAP with a mission – she wanted to provide what she saw as much needed parent support. She quickly established a wrap-around approach, helping whānau set their own goals, then putting them in touch with other local services and re-integrating them into the community.
Tararua REAP also established a partnership with Te Kete Hauora to run a wahakura programme, where whānau come together to make their pepe basket. For the first few months of the programme a harakeke teacher runs weaving lessons at the marae. Then there is a 3-day sleepover when they make their wahakura. It’s a whole whānau event, something that bonds whānau and provides an opportunity for lots of informal learning about wellbeing.
Member of the Year Tangata Tiriti : Andrea Cameron
It is my great pleasure to announce the Member of the Year Tangata Tiriti : Andrea Cameron
Andrea has worked at Rutherford College as their ACE Director for the past 15 years. She has been CLASS, secretary for over 10 years, a member of ACE Aotearoa’s Festival of Adult learning steering group for 5 years and hosted a national launch of the festival. Her contribution has been nationally recognised through the CLASS Charlie Herbert Award.
In West Auckland there are strong community networks and links: Andrea is at the core of this. She connects people, ideas, programmes and needs seamlessly. Her work ethic is remarkable, her commitment genuine and her energy tireless. Her ideas are always considered and she is the voice of reason and common sense with her peers and colleagues.